The challenge
Potential and Expectations
Currently we live in the age of information and the internet provides access to a vast amount of information without a safe and efficient way to access and mange it. With this increase in available information this positively impacts our potential to synthesize knowledge resulting an explosion in innovation. With increased potential, knowledge workers are left without effective tools to use this information.
Our solution
Our mission is to give knowledge workers the tools to organize, filter and apply the vast information available to them. At our core, we strive to become a tool for enhancing the brain’s memory and learning function, akin to how a calculator enhances mathematical ability.
Initially our goal is to reach out to and support our most dedicated knowledge workers, our students. Students are our target audience who have the most to benefit from improving in information management due to school being an institution for information management.
Finally following the success in improving the education of students of all levels. We aim to enter the workforce in a world that’s becoming increasingly reliant on leveraging information to innovate and succeed. Enhancing the workforce by boosting creativity through the accumulation of information leading to the creation of new ideas.